Career PathFinder Feedback Survey

Thank you for exploring and using the Los Angeles County's Career PathFinder. We appreciate you for volunteering your time to provide us with information regarding your experience with the Career PathFinder tool. This information will be reviewed to determinethe effectiveness and potential improvement of the Career PathFinder.

This feedback survey is expected to take about 10 minutes to complete.

Please rate the following statements regarding your experience with the Career PathFinder.
TopicsStrongly DisagreeDisagreeSlightly DisagreeSlightly AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree
A.  The Career PathFinder was easy to navigate.
B.  The Career PathFinder is useful to me in planning my career.
C.  It was easy to understand the career options table at each step in the Career PathFinder.
D.  The Career PathFinder surprised me with career paths I had not considered.
E.  The PDF output (Career Path Report) will keep me motivated on my chosen career path.
F.  I plan to recommend the Career PathFinder to my friends and family.
How often do you believe you would revisit and utilize the Career PathFinder?
Are you currently a Los Angeles County employee?
Please indicate the level of your current job.

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